Have you checked when your private health insurance resets? Now is a good time to find out. If it is the end of the calendar year, you and your family have a few more weeks to utilise your current health fund allocation to sort out any niggles you may be experiencing in the lead up to Christmas.
The New Year is the perfect time to consider starting a new program to address those things that have been bothering you this year – once and for all!
If you have an ongoing or chronic health condition you can also access Medicare funded appointments through your GP with a Enhance Primary Care (EPC) Plan. Every twelve months you can get up to 5 visits with your private physio. There is a small Gap for treatment, around $35.
Of course, you can visit your physio any time without a referral and even without a private health fund. If you want to get the best out of your body and your private health fund then it can pay to contact your health fund and find out the specifics of what you are paying for.
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