Three tips for surviving the silly season

Tamara MatulickPPPLeave a Comment

happy grandparents playing american football with grandchildren in park
A public health announcement from your friendly team at PPP. 
  1. Beware, the Christmas cheer!
    A little too much Christmas cheer does NOT mix well with physical activity. Many injuries sustained over the silly season happen under the influence of alcohol. We would recommend, if you are going to enjoy a few drinks … sit-out the game of backyard cricket or pool volleyball. And please, only dance on the table in sensible footwear!
  2. Let the (grand)kids win
    If you are spending more time with the kids and grand-kids over this silly season know your own limits. We see an increase of injuries related to ‘trying-to-keep-up-with-the-kids’ at this time of year. Think, tearing a hamstring when a gentle kick of the soccer ball turns into a full blown penalty shoot-out. Where possible defer to a younger or more capable opponent when you know you are out of your depth.
  3. Wash & wear
    Wash your hands & wear sunscreen. We want everyone to stay well and continue to enjoy the silly season as much as possible so we can see you fit and well in the New Year. The two simple actions of washing you hands regularly and wearing sunscreen will protect you against two of Summer’s biggest threats – sunburn and food poisoning/viruses.

Follow these common-sense tips and we will see you all looking happy and healthy in the New Year.   

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