5 daily exercises to stay strong – Cover all the bases with these 5 key exercises:   

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In this day and age, we can be very forward-flexed creatures. This is a call out for our office workers, avid readers, knitters, students, technology users – everyone! Here’s a reminder to take regular breaks, set ergonomic reminders and take some time out to enjoy some EXTENSION throughout the day!

Baby Cobras and Cobras

Layer 1: Laying down on your front, in a capital E position, inhale to prepare, exhale to lift your head and the start of your chest off of the floor – feeling a stretch into your upper back

Layer 2: This time, allow your elbows to lift as you press into extension

Layer 3: Cobra – Take your hands to the sides of your chest

Make it easier – the higher your hands are, the less loading into extension there will be



Working on balance before it deteriorates offers several key benefits, serving as a proactive approach to maintaining overall health – preventing falls/injury, maintaining mobility, postural alignment, confidence & independence and even cognitive function & coordination!

Single Leg Balance

Layer 1 – Standing on one leg, float one knee to 90 degrees

Layer 2 – As you float your knee, float both arms to 90 degrees

Layer 3 – Knee and arms float out to the sides, showing off your wingspan and back in again

Extra challenges – change the surface (softer = harder), eyes closed, rise onto tippy toes throughout

Make it easier – use a wall or some balance sticks for some assistance



Did you know that core strength plays a crucial role in managing low back pain? The abdominal muscle groups work together with the muscles of the low back to stabilize the spine to move efficiently. With a strong core, the body can perform movements more smoothly and with better control, reducing the risk of awkward, compensatory movements that can cause or worsen low back pain – particularly throughout bending and lifting!

Knee Floats, Toe Taps and Single Leg Extensions

Layer 1 – Laying down on your back with both knees bend in a crook-lie position, inhale to take one knee into Tabletop (90/90 position), exhale to lower back to the floor. Alternating sides

Layer 2 – Starting in Tabletop, exhale to toe tap one foot down to the ground, inhale to return to Tabletop. Alternating sides

Layer 3 – Starting in Tabletop, exhale extend and straighten one foot long, inhale to return back to Tabletop. Alternating sides

Extra challenges – chi ball under your sacrum for a wobbly challenge, both legs working/glued together

Remember – maintain a soft imprint of your lower back on the floor


Upper body / Lower body

Strengthening our limbs is important for so much of our functional activities of daily living – from walking, cooking & carrying the shopping, through to our more dynamic movements like running, sports & Pilates. Weight-bearing and resistance activities are also important for some less obvious things such as bone health & density, mental health, pain reduction and bouncing back from injuries / surgeries.

Bird Dog

Layer 1 – On all fours, find a neutral spine, inhale to prepare, exhale to extend your arm directly overhead. Alternating sides

Layer 2 – Opposite leg floats and extends back behind you

Layer 3 – Hold opposite arm and leg, breath steadily as you move your arm and leg away from midline, towards midline. Swap sides

Extra challenges – load up the arm with a small hand weight or can of beans

Make it easier – come into an ‘elbow prop’ position rather than loading through your hands/wrists, simply being on all fours can be a good challenge for your shoulder stability – aiming to keep shoulder blades wide across your back and not sagging through the front of the chest  


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