The Teen Fit assessment aims to give specific, tangible guidance for teens to work towards through home exercises and attending our Teen Fit classes. Conducted by qualified physio and netballer/volleyball player, Claudia Willcocks, she will discuss your teen’s movement goals then assess strength, flexibility, balance, and spinal mobility. Based on this information, Claudia will recommend individual exercises to your teen, as well as identify areas to focus on during the Teen Fit classes. Follow up consultations may be booked if required at normal physiotherapy rates.
Our Teen Fit classes are perfect for 12-18 year olds and provide support to all of their activities. This class focusses on building strength, flexibility and coordination, and then finishes with a relaxing cooldown. Claudia Willcocks, physiotherapist and experienced netball/volleyball player, expertly coaches your teen on best practices to stay fit, healthy and confident.
To get started, book your Teen Fit assessment with Claudia Willcocks.