Do you have pain on the outside your elbow or your forearm? You may be experiencing lateral epicondylalgia. More commonly known as ‘Tennis Elbow’, it affects more people than just…
Many of our clients, especially those who live in the Hills love to go for hikes and walks to keep fit and enjoy the beautiful scenery. One of the challenges,…
Try our fun quick health check and see how you fair Remain standing: Can you balance for 20 seconds on one leg without holding on to anything? Try this on…
Asthma is a lung condition where the muscles in the airways of a person’s lungs narrow in response to certain triggers. It can occur in people of all ages and…
You may have experienced this before: bending over to pick something somewhat trivial off the floor when suddenly you experience the most excruciating pain in your lower back and you…
Can you place your hands flat on the floor with knees straight? Do you have “double-jointed” thumbs? Have you ever had a “party trick” in which you could contort your…
It is easy to assume that the changes you notice in your body as you get older are all due to ageing. Wrinkles, greying hair, changes in eye sight, stiffness…