PPP Covid-19 Service Options

Physio Pilates ProactivePilates

Doing exercise at home

Physio Pilates Proactive remains open but we have had to make some changes to how we service our clients in the clinic as well as develop new options for those that you cannot attend in person.

We have put together the following to help you understand your options

Service Options

* For those of you that are healthy, not in a high risk group and have not had close contact with someone who has returned from overseas or interstate in the last 14 days, we are available to treat you in our Stirling studio

** Please confirm with your health insurance provider. We believe Telehealth is now covered by all major providers

To book or seek further information, please contact our team on 8339 3188 or stirling@pilatesproactive.com.au

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Pilates Mat Adelaide - Pilates Proactive

You will not find this level of experience, knowledge, passion and commitment to Pilates anywhere else in Adelaide.