Q&A with Briar Strutton

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What do you love about working in Stirling? 

I love the community feel in Stirling.  I have now been working here for over 10 years and know many of our clients quite well.  It is lovely to be part of a community that supports each other during challenging times and celebrates in times of joy.   

What inspires you? 

Our older clients.  They are amazing and inspire me to keep going – even when I don’t feel like it!  In them, we see how it important movement is in order to keep doing the activities we love into our later years. 

What’s your favourite go-to in Stirling?

I love 29 Milan for gifts, jewellery and clothing… beautiful to just window shop. 

How do you like to keep moving? 

Pilates of course!  But otherwise, I run around after my kids and enjoy walking regularly. 

What’s your favourite meal to cook at home? 

I actually love my salads…not sure if that counts as cooking?  Otherwise, my husband does an amazing roast lamb with a minimum of 10 vegetables…

What makes you belly laugh out loud? 

My children often make me laugh and of course, I always have a good laugh with friends – especially after a couple of wines!

Your favourite place to travel? 

I’m not sure that I have a favourite place but I do love to travel and explore new places and new cultures.  I went to Morocco last year and that was fascinating.  Quite unlike anywhere I had ever been before.  This year we are travelling to Europe and I can’t wait to visit Norway.

Your favourite Pilates exercise? 

Can’t beat crocodile on the mat!

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