COVID-19 Client Update – 23rd March

Physio Pilates ProactiveAnnouncementsLeave a Comment

PPP open
Physio Pilates Proactive remains open

We are all certainly in challenging times. The guidelines from the government are of course changing regularly. The latest major change is the closure of pubs, cafes, gyms, cinemas, places of worship, casinos, night clubs and indoor sporting venues. The press release can be found here. An important point of clarification is that we are an Allied Health practice and remain open to help you. The Health Minister Greg Hunt has confirmed this and said “Face to face services for many remain vital so where possible, we encourage you to continue”.

Physio Pilates Proactive have introduced a range of measures to ensure that we provide the safest environment possible:

  • All clients (same applies to staff of course) to not enter if you are sick – please reschedule your appointment
  • All clients to use hand sanitiser or wash their hands with soap (facilities provided) upon entry and exit to the studio
  • All clients who have been overseas or interstate (this is a new requirement as of 26/03/20) in the last 14 days are not able to attend our practice
  • All Pilates clients to bring a towel to place on your mat and to spray the mat before doing so
  • All clients who believe they are in the higher risk categories (based on age and/or underlying health conditions) are asked not to attend – we are working on being able to provide anyone not able to attend with telehealth or online Pilates options asap
  • All class attendees should gather in the arcade before class to maintain social distancing (our studio meets the 4m2 per person requirements)
  • We have increased cleaning in house and by using external professionals more frequently

Thank you for your support and we look forward to continuing to help you maintain and improve your health.

PPP Team

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