COVID–19 Update – 25th March

Physio Pilates ProactiveAnnouncementsLeave a Comment

PPP Covid-19

Dear PPP Community

The situation is rapidly changing and we are doing our best to continue providing the best possible care we can to our clients in these challenging times. 

The main updates from today are the following:

Pilates Mat Classes

Effective immediately, Pilates Mat classes in the studio are suspended. The exciting news is that we are launching Online Pilates Mat classes on Monday the 30th of March. We will be selling Pilates at home kits at a reduced price to help you get set up for this. Please stay tuned for further information on how it will work.


GES’ will continue but is capped at 4 people per class. Our studio has ample room to allow for approximately triple the 4m2 required for each participant. Equipment will also be spaced out further. For those of you that cannot make GES in person, we will be offering a service to convert your GES program to a home-based program to help you continue.


We remain open for Physiotherapy treatments as these are so vital. However, from Monday the 30th of March, the main after-hours treatment times will be Saturday mornings.

Massage Therapy

Unfortunately, we have suspended this for the time being.

Anyone returning from overseas or interstate (regardless of where) or is living with someone who has, is asked not to come into PPP for 14 days.

Anyone who is over 70, immuno-compromised and/or have co-morbidities should not come into PPP at this time.

All clients and staff that have cold/flu like symptoms are not permitted to come in until they are well.

We have introduced increased frequency of internal cleaning.

All clients are asked to use hand sanitiser or wash their hands in the studio upon entry and exit – staff are always vigilant with this

GES participants need to also ensure they are wiping down the equipment after use

If you need to sneeze or cough, please make sure it is into a tissue or your elbow

Yours in health,
PPP Management

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